Sunday, November 13, 2011

Remembrance Day Surprise

I hope your Remembrance Day experience was as meaningful as mine.  I attended the service held at the Aero Space Museum of Calgary at the south east corner of the Calgary International Airport.  We set up for about 250 people.  Less than 50 attended the last ceremony we had there about ten years ago.   We opened the doors before 10:00 a.m.  By 10:30 we had well over 500 present!  In total we had over 1300 Calgarians attend with another 200 unfortunately turned away!  We set up extra chairs and opened one of the big doors of the exhibit hall to allow as many as possible to participate.  We were all very surprised and deeply moved by this turnout.  After the service a few of us opened some of the old warbirds up so people could actually get inside them and experience them "up close and personal"!

What a wonderful experience.  We will most certainly be doing another ceremony on November 11, 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Soooo awesome!!!

    Blessed So and So
